Monday, February 26, 2018

.... Thoughts from Jim...

Here's a switch!  This is Jim and I want to have a very out of character post tonight.  Remember I'm the engineer.  Well here's some sociology from me.

Cheri and I were talking in the car tonight and a couple of very interesting things came up.  We were talking about how different the cabin is from building a house in the city.  We discussed some of the design details we've incorporated and Cheri said "Older homes had beautiful stained glass in them.  It was an art form 100 years ago." 

Look at the stained glass she has in our entry door.

I agreed and then she said that modern homes lack beauty because they are built upon basics. " Beauty is no longer necessary in many homes, but beauty is necessary."

This is the sunflower piece that goes in the main level bathroom.

We thought about it and Cheri then said "Color is beautiful and necessary" and I thought how so many homes have painted walls of beige or the outside is so bland.  I'm not advocating purple paint or bright red siding, but it fits us.  We want color throughout our cabin.  Warm, rich color soothes our souls.  The wood burning stove and hearth is going to be so inviting.  I'm looking forward to sitting in front of it warming my well worn body, resting.

This woman is so creative.  I love what she is doing and the details she adds are exactly what I want, but can't envision them by myself.

(This is Cheri... This conversation started as we were driving through the old section of Provo - looking at some of the architecture of the houses that were built, 100 years ago.  They have beautiful stained glass above the doors and windows, that is haunting and beautiful and so expressive.  Some of the glass has been replaced, probably because of deterioration, and just has clear glass, at this point, above the doors... so sad...  I love stained glass, I love the creativity that I feel when I am working with glass.. I love walking through churches, and temples,  that have these impressive works of art in them. I imagine God looking down and being pleased with this expression that honours something bigger than we are. When I see glass projects, I feel humbled.  I love the creativity, and colour and the spirit of the artist coming through.  I love that Jim lets me express this side of myself, and works with me to put my pieces on display... I want my world filled with colour and beauty and expression... Colour is necessary, beauty is necessary.... Jim is so much a part of the beauty and colour of my world... Couldn't love anyone more.  Cheri)

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