Sunday, February 11, 2018

LET THERE BE LIGHT.. and it was good light... 60 watt!

I didn't go to the cabin this weekend, so I am writing this with 2nd hand information...  It gets kinda cold, and even though we have this immense heater, one of us gets cold... so, I stayed in Provo.  I had lots of cabin stuff to work on here at the house!

Jim drove down to Bryce Canyon on Friday afternoon, after loading the trailer with rock, a water heater, glass block, light fixtures, my trellis, insulation, a log bed frame and tools... Every time we go down, we load the trailer with a plethora of this that and the next thing, and it's being stored down there in the basement... We don't quite need all this stuff now, but within the next 2 years, we will...  and, it's my secret goal to get storage buildings emptied out!

It was a very busy weekend for my Jim... poor thing - goes to the cabin and works himself crazy...  I am hoping that by next summer, there will be something more for me to do...than sit around and play on facebook, or help the fairies make houses...

Jim's 2.5 days at the cabin were busy, busy, busy...  I am so glad he takes pictures, so I can see the progress.

He started by starting to putting the 2nd night light in the hearth, complete with the electrical box.  We're waiting for our rock guy to get finished with other projects, and then he'll start putting that beautiful blonde quartz on the hearth and up the wall...

Next, Jim was starting to put in the electrical boxes and the wiring in the living room and the kitchen..
This culminated with a light fixture being installed in the breakfast nook in front of the bay window,
and in the kitchen... I have lights - we'll sort of... Let's say, I have the possibility of lights, at this point, and that's exciting!

Jim also, finished off the day by putting a little more siding up.. Does this man ever wear out.

I spent my two days in Provo... working on... glass..  It may not look like a lot to anybody else, but, it's huge progress this weekend on the second window...

We decided that we were going to put an additional piece of glass in the bathroom, and I had it pieced together, also this weekend, and it's ready to go.. But, I think I need to concentrate on getting this piece finished before I attempt a 3rd piece... This 2nd piece is going to go beside the single sunflower panel that was finished last fall..

On the way home, Jim had the job of bringing our 18' ladder back.. Brad has an attic repair that needs to be done, and our 18 footer is the only one tall enough...  So, Jim strapped it onto the trailer, with about 6' hanging off the end, and brought it back.. Not his favourite thing to haul, but necessary.

Through the smashed fingers, the bruised toes from a 2 x 6 falling on his foot, cuts on hands, and achy knees and hips and back, Jim says, "It's all worth it"...  I'm just glad he made it home..  I kinda missed him.

The adventure continues... Jim and  Cheri

PS:  The overwhelming vote on the feet for the bathtub was for the white feet....BUT, my friend Debbie showed me pictures of the old tyme tubs with the silver feet... and I really, really like them...  But, before we make a final decision, Jim says that we need to measure the tub and see what feet will fit..  The white ones might win.. sad face...  giggle...

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