Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Well, the final part of the motor home story has been completed!  With all the problems we had trying to get the plates changed from Ontario to Utah - we were issued brand new Utah plates yesterday!

We have been working on this project for a couple of weeks now... We had the hassle with Customs at the SLC airport - which we thought was going to be the worst of it... Apparently, it wasn't.  In Utah, you have to get a inspection and an emissions test on all vehicles... UNLESS you live in certain counties which don't require the emissions testing.  Kane County, where our cabin is going to be, is one of those counties.  So, we only had to have the physical inspection.

Jim took Beluga down to the place we usually get our car inspections done... they don't do inspections on motor homes... BUT, they refer him to a place that does commercial vehicles.  I think I've already written this part...

Anyways, he takes it down for the inspection, and they check out the lights and this and that... and it passes... The only thing that they have a problem with is the back brakes.  In order to check the back brakes, they have to take off the wheels and the rear axle... all for $10.00 - the cost of the inspection.  They are not thrilled about this, but tell Jim that the brand new vehicles have these two little holes drilled into them, so that all you have to do is pop the little rubber cap off, and shine a light in there, and the inspection is done...

So, last week, Jim drilled the two little holes...  He takes the motor home to the inspection station yesterday, they spend a whoppin' 10 minutes to crawl under the motor home (because Beluga doesn't fit in their bay) did the inspection, signed off on the emissions paperwork, and we were done!

Jim then drives Beluga down to the DMV, which is in the downtown core of Provo, to get the plates.  Poor thing was having a freak trying to figure out where to park Beluga, but finally found a space right in front of the DMV... He went in, gave them the 20 pages of paperwork, they had a chuckle over Beluga's name, and they handed over the plates.

We haven't switched over the plates yet... I think Beluga really likes the Ontario plates - she thinks they are pretty...  at least I do..


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