Friday, June 20, 2014


We are going to be taking the motor home down to Manzanita tomorrow, where it is going to stay for the next couple of years while we are building.  Jim has worked so hard getting it all ready to go - new floors, new bed, new stove, new appliances and new cabinets.  Last week, I stocked the cupboards with food - things that are not perishable,  and I was packing up clothes into totes last night.  It just seems unreal.

I was laying in bed this morning, and it just seems so strange to me... we have been planning this for a couple of years now, and it's finally happening....I guess I don't know exactly how to feel.. It's a combination of excitement, and worry, and scared and anticipating... 100 different feelings - almost like excitement for the next chapter, and fear of the unknown.

I expressed my feelings to Jim this morning, and he agreed - he was feeling the same way.

Here's to a new chapter in the book called "Another Amazing Adventure".


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