Friday, June 6, 2014


Update on the DMV issue - Yesterday, the guy at the DMV tells us that we are supposed to take the motor home back to the port of entry to get the correct documentation signed...  The motor home entered in Buffalo.... we are supposed to drive this stupid thing back to Buffalo, to get an inspection and then drive it back... just so we can get a Utah plate... um - no.  Not gonna happen.

Today, Jim calls customs at the SLC airport and talks to them.. We have to get a certification from the manufacturer telling them that this motor home was built to US FEDERAL specifications... um, really?  It's a FORD.  So, Jim looks for the name and number of the manufacturer in Canada - guess what - they're out of business... But, some guy in Alberta bought up all the trademarks etc... Jim finds this guy's name and number and gives him a call... He's a really nice guy who retired in 2010.  The guys at the SLC airport say that we have to get a letter from him...  This guy in Alberta says that there is a little plate on the door that gives all the information... So, Jim finds it, calls SLC Airport customs back and they say that's great, and that is for the body of the motor home, not the engine.

The front of the motorhome is made by Ford.  So, Jim has to take the motor home to our local Ford dealership, where they can look up the VIN and give us a letter based on that...And of course, it's lunch time, so nobody is at the dealership right now to help.  Well the dealership ultimately says no, and gives Jim an 800 phone number that turns out to be Ford Roadside Assistance.  Drrr. . .

But at home, the Internet yields up the Ford Canada RV Assistance department, who send Jim to a website to order the Federal Compliance letter for the whale's VIN number.  Holy, we are making progress.

But now, Customs at the airport say that they are open all day long for inspection - except during a certain time period when a flight from France comes in and the whole customs area is shut down...  WHAT?

This is so dumb...  I'm not so good at this jumping through hoops stuff...


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