Monday, June 23, 2014


We planned to go to Manzanita on Saturday....  Well, we left to go on Saturday, but not until 6:30 in the afternoon.... Lots had to be done before we got on the road....

The first project, was.....

...switch out those Ontario plates... It really was strange to watch Jim change out the plates.  It's like those Ontario plates were my link with home... and, they're now gone... Seems very strange... But, it's a done deal and we've moved forward.

We got on the road at about 6:30 in the afternoon... Jim was driving Beluga and I was driving the Chevy... We were about an hour outside of Panguitch, when the side storage compartment blew open... We pull over to the side of the road, and the locks had torn off... don't know why, they were just gone... So, Jim, as handy and dandy as he is, with the plethora or tools that we usually travel with (really...) pulled one of the locks from the other side of the motor home off, and put screwed it on the other side and we continued.

Now, you have to realize something... I am night blind... I just flat don't see well at night... and it's getting darker and darker and darker and I'm panicing....  We need to take I-15 to exit 95 to get to Panguitch...  Jim is in front of me, and I'm watching the signs count down the exits.... 100, 99, 98, so I know that we're going to exit pretty soon.... I see the sign that says exit 95 is about a half a mile away and I am preparing to exit....  and then I watch Jim zoom by the exit.... and I'm flashing my lights and hitting the horn trying to get his attention... nothing.... I take the exit and call him on my cell... Poor thing was deep in thought, and just flat missed the exit.... The only unfortunate thing is the next exit is 13 miles away...  Jim tells me to just go on, and he'll catch up....  The area that I was driving through is a canyon... winding roads, steep drop offs, and I'm freaking...  absolutely freaking...  Jim caught up with me AFTER I made it through that canyon... and we carried on.

We got to Panguitch, and decided that instead of taking the motor home up to the property, we would just stop at an RV campground for the night..  Jim backs Beluga in, and I park the car in the appropriate space next to the RV...  This is what I saw the next morning....

When I was parking the car, I didn't notice there were big rocks that I was supposed to park between...  Can we get any closer here???  I think if I had hit it, I would have noticed...

Our first night in the motor home really was... nice...  Very cozy, very comfortable... It got a little cold in the middle of the night... but, that might have been because I put the spread on the bed sideways, instead of lengthwise.... and our feet were sticking out the bottom of the bed...  Got that one remedied at about 5 in the morning.... Giggle...

Moving forward, we got to the property on Sunday, and started getting a space cleared out for Beluga to call home...

We got the space cleared out, and our lovely lady moved in...

Jim continued using the backhoe to start the 2nd driveway that will eventually connect to the cabin and the 1st driveway...

And... we continue to fight with that stupid Manzanita...  I hate that stuff... and it's everywhere... It is the plague of my existence...

And Beluga not only has a new home, but she has a new friend also...

Mission accomplished... Here's my sweetheart... tired, worn out, exhausted... but did a great job...  love that man..

Fallin' in love more and more and having another grand adventure....


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