Saturday, June 7, 2014


We've decided to call the motor home, Beluga - just because she is a whale, she is white, and she is Canadian... Beluga whales are, big, white and are native to Russia and Greenland - so they're imports, just like our motor home...  just go with me on this one...

Well, Jim and I and Beluga went to Salt Lake Customs this morning with all our paperwork in hand, attempting to get the customs release that we need to take to the DMV to get our Utah license plates.  We made it there within the correct "extended" window of time, parked in front of the International office, and Jim went inside.  I had to stay in the belly of the whale while Jim went in because someone has to stay in the vehicle at all times...

After about an hour of paperwork, (no kidding here) Jim comes out with the Customs guy and he checks the temporary plate that we have, checks the engine, looks at the door tags and signs off on the paperwork!  He told us that Beluga looked great and he hoped we would have an enjoyable time with her....  I was shocked.  I was so sure something was going to go wrong...

The customs officer said that because of the new NAFTA regulations, we didn't have to pay import duties or taxes.  We were thrilled. We were absolutely sure that we would have to pay something, but the cost was absolutely zero...  But, at 8 miles per gallon, trust me, that little 45 minute trip to Salt Lake cost...

We were going to take her down to Manzanita this afternoon, but we still don't have the safety inspection done.  That is going to be taken care of on Monday.  We could have it down closer to the cabin, but, we aren't sure if there is a commercial inspection station in Panguitch.  I know there isn't one in Hatch, but wasn't sure about Panguitch.  So, we have put that trip off for a week.

I got Beluga's bedroom finished last night, and I was really pleased with the look..

Not much room in there besides the bed... The door to the left is the shower, and the door to the right is the restroom.  We bought a cupboard this afternoon to put in the bedroom, but, these babies aren't made to store anything.  Giggle.

.... another amazing adventure.

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