Friday, June 6, 2014


Update - so, Jim calls me just before I come home from work.  He ordered the "letter" from Ford - and they said that it's going to take 6 weeks for them to mail it to us... 6 weeks?  Um, our temporary license for The Whale is for 30 days.... ok....

Jim calls the Customs guys back at the airport in SLC and asks if he can bring The Whale up and get it inspected by them, and just have a suspended file until we get the stupid letter from Ford....  They say, that they've been talking about this situation amongst themselves, and they don't think we need the letter from Ford - we just need to get the emissions and safety completed by the State of Utah, and bring it up to the airport, and they'll check it and we're good to go... ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING ME?

We've been round and round with this stupid thing all day, and now they say we don't need the letter.

So, Jim is off, with The Whale getting her inspected, and if all goes well, we are going to speed up to the Customs at the Airport and get their seal of approval....  They were so generous - said they'd be there until 6 today....  Think about it... we are 45 minutes away from the airport, Friday afternoon, rush hour traffic....  and we have to make it there by 6...  ok....

I think that in the pre-existence, somebody said, "Hey, who wants to have this really strange life, filled with really strange people, and really stressful - down to the minute situations, and have lots of amazing adventures.......?"  and I was stupid enough to raise my hand, and say, "I will!"  (Maybe, at that point, I didn't know the meaning of the word, strange..."  Sigh...

Well we didn't make it.


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